Hi Friends,
Sun Microsystems' Open Source evangelist David Marr is visiting Bangalore during mid of March. He wants to have an informal meeting with Open Source and Free Software people in Bangalore.
More about David is in http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/media/ceo/bio.jsp?name=Dave%20Marr
I have to organize this and get the number of attendees. Please let me know if you are interested in joining.
Thanks Balaji
Hello Balaji,
On 12/02/2008, Balaji Kutty balaji.kutty@gmail.com wrote:
participating. Thank you. With warm wishes,
Hi All,
Thanks for the overwhelming response. I will let you know the details once it is confirmed.
Thanks a lot. -balaji
Hello Balaji,
Myself and one of my friend would like to paticipate in Let me know the exact date.
If this on weekends or sunday, then i will really join u guys. Let me know the venue and date time.
On Feb 12, 2008 5:57 PM, shibu c varughese shibucv@gmail.com wrote:
Sure, I will let you know once his schedule is confirmed.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 5:57 PM, shibu c varughese shibucv@gmail.com wrote:
Thank u fellaws.
On 2/12/08, Balaji Kutty balaji.kutty@gmail.com wrote: